You see a tense situation between a caregiver and a child in public.
How can you help?
We’ve all been there.
Support Over Silence for KIDS is an innovative training program that prepares bystanders to confidently offer support when they see a challenging moment between a caregiver and child in public.

We empower bystanders to act with compassion. Our training promotes responsible action and offers a new way of supporting families.

Our judgment-free approach considers culture, trauma and brain development to help bystanders engage in a positive way.

Our evidence-based program is supported by research and professionally designed with proven techniques.
Catherine Cerulli
Director of the Susan B. Anthony Center and Co-Director of Community Engagement, TRANSFORM Research Center, NY
I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Weaver for 6 years. She is a creative, energetic trainer with the amazing combination of passion and empathy for a difficult subject: preventing child abuse and neglect. Our community hosted Dr. Weaver to provide an overview and training for our providers. Even though I am an attorney who works in this space, I was inspired by her program Support Over Silence and walk through the world with my eyes more open.
Karen Nolte, LCSW
CEO, FamilyForward
“Support Over Silence for KIDS provides helping professionals and community members with the culturally appropriate bystander intervention training they need to support caregivers.”
Shannon Moody, PhD, MSSW, CSW
Kentucky Youth Advocates
“Support Over Silence and the practical, empowering tools that the training offers has created a shift in the mindset of our community partners around what it means to support parents and caregivers. Participating in this training offers opportunities that we have been seeking from an evidence-based approach that normalizes the struggles of parenting and also galvanizes actions that will meaningfully support our neighbors within everyday interactions. We are thrilled to collaborate with Dr. Weaver and her team to make all of our communities better places to live and parent.“

Inspiring Action and Getting Results
Since 2018, Support Over Silence for KIDS has been offered to community members, businesses, university students, and hospital personnel. Our program is having an impact on communities!

Agree or strongly agree that the program changed their attitudes about their role in the community*

Agree or strongly agree that they feel confident that they can do something to help caregivers and their children*

Agree or strongly agree that they will pay more attention to caregivers and their children*
Working With the Best Clients and Partners